
Saturday, February 5, 2011

.......My Bucket List .........

We are hear for such a short time and yet it seems we waste so much of our time chasing others wishes and dreams,  we perhaps forget what makes us happy.

Don't wait to live your life.......

My Bucket List

     1.     Always cherish the  love of my son.  He truly makes me want to be a better person.   He's been
              blessed with generosity, strength and the gift of caring for others.   He would not be happy with me publicising
              these attributes but I am a mother with infinite pride.    

     2.      Always be a child of Christmas - keep the sparkle in my eyes, never lose the magic in my heart nor in my hands  to
              give me the freedom to wrap the treasurers in their shiny boxes with silk and velvet ribbons,

     3.      Always keep the courage and determination to take the next step down the unknown roads,

     4.     Always laugh - don't take myself too seriously.  Help others to laugh,  Remember laughing at 2 a.m. after
              you scalded your hands sculpturing 3 dozen popcorn balls for a Halloween party at school, that you were
              told  about that afternoon,

     5.      Keep being a Doer - don't procrastinate or delay - enjoy the little and the big things of each & every day. It may
              take a week to find the little and the big, but find them.  Never forget to stop and  hold the door open for
              that person following you;  remember when you did not have the strength to open that same door,

     6.      Never having to hear another person say "Ya Know"........think about it - if I knew I would not be taking my time
              listening to you extending your wisdom, or what I thought was your knowledge on the subject.

     7.      The end of Reality T.V.  Please bring back entertainment.  I am tired of people in glass houses throwing stones.

     8.       No more clowns, or at least no more clowns around me.

     9.       No more canvasing at my door, if I have made an appointment to see you please come in otherwise you are
               entering dangerous territory. 

    10.      Be happy, cherish my family, my friends and those I have yet to meet, but have called first.

Make your Bucket List for you.


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