
Monday, February 7, 2011

A Mothers Bill of Rights

Published on Ezine

It's Monday, and of course it's snowing again......  Convinced  to listen to the experts regarding the correct practices of shoveling snow and not to over do it, but start slow, I gave myself a break....

 So on with the T.V. to listen to the morning national news.

It was out and over  before I could reach the remote control to turn it off.

"Working mothers have obese children." 

 I had already packed my sons lunch or I would have had a clean paring knife to put  through my heart.  I guess  the last 19 years of stress, anxiety, guilt and fatigue were not enough.  The only thing that I would find worse than acknowledging this study, was to hear that  it was conducted and funded by a government grant.

Our Constitution is founded on principles and the dignity and worth of the human person. Throughout the Bill of Rights it validates the freedom of man and the respect for moral and spiritual values, but no where does it give mothers similar freedoms.

I hereby decree - to be bonded as literature to the face of my refrigerator -  the Mothers Bill of Rights

It is hereby recognized and declared that there  shall  exist without discrimination for motherhood the following human rights and fundamental freedoms,
  1. the right of mothers to life, liberty and freedom,
  2. the right of mothers to equality before family, the School  Board, the PTA, the neighbors and the  In laws,
  3. the right of freedom of speech to defend, when necessary, the social and moral principles mothers raise their children with  to hold and value with integrity and respect and never take for granted,  family, society and freedoms in this great nation,
  4. the right of freedom of assembly at the local shopping center,
  5. the right and freedom to select food items not found along the perimeters of a food floor,
  6. the right and freedom to seek and ask a customer service representative to explain, without judgement, the label on a "fat free" gallon of ice cream,
  7. the right to be promptly informed as to why the costs for  fresh fruits, vegetables or lean meats continue to be cost prohibitive; yet supper via a take out window  for her children, abundant in reduced salts, fats, 60% fillers and by-products, containing 1800 calories,  prove to be the only affordable venue,
  8. the right to funded programs for the benefit of children.
Now back to the snow.  My wish today is that Willy is not correct in his predictions that winter will last another 6 weeks, I am anxious to start that garden.

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