
Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Will You Be Celebrating Family Day This Year -

Published on Ezine

My Guardian Angels continually remind me of how hard they work to bring the best of life to my attention and it seems with age the more I pay attention.  Thank goodness……………………………….
 Some five years ago they truly worked overtime pushing me to gain the attention of my District Councilor.   Although my reputation precedes me within my own circle, I was wading into new political territory and  this kind and generous man withstood the initial tumultuous introduction and has graced me with his friendship since then.
He has with few words, taught me to talk less and listen more, a feat that challenges me daily; and, when I listen, I cry more watching life in its beautify and in its pain,  than watching T.V.
He has always considered himself blessed with family and friends and long ago stopped worrying about those who didn’t like him and instead had cherished the friendships and the love of those who do.
A few months ago suffering from some annoying repetitive headaches he went into his Doctor for some tests and was told he has only a short time to live.  As husband, father and grandfather, he knew the next chapter in his life would ultimately be the largest challenge he has ever faced and he began the war of all wars………….looking at the library of  scripts,  MRI scans, statistics and studies,  he would not retreat in defeat.  With his family standing beside him his battle began.   
Like any successful leader, his fear of  becoming  a poster child for the disease and having people feel sorry for him was unacceptable; he laid out a strategical plan,  divulging only information within his control  on a need to know basis. 
Fight he has, by the day, the weeks and the months of enduring unlimited treatments,  all in the hope of prolonged life. 
Between treatments, I look forward to his phone calls.   I hear his unwavering voice, always asking if this is an okay time to talk.  I cherish those conversations, we laugh, we debate and he always manages to introduce me to a more perpetual avenue of life.  Our spiritual beliefs, so diverse, yet both concluding at the end of any day that it is faith, honor and commitment within oneself that is revered.
 A private man his whole life, never seeking  to stand at the microphone and having the inner strength and confidence of not being concerned if they remembered  his name, but never turning his back on a cause for the betterment for his family, his friends or his community.  He humorously has admitted he never wants to feel that he took a recess and did not fight the full war of wars and during that recess they found the cure the day after his departure.  He would be mad as hell knowing that.   
He has little regrets.
He has taught me to seize every minute of life, look at it….see it….live it…..and never, never give it back.
I will not wait this year to celebrate family.  

1 comment:

  1. wonderfully written...
    we never know how long we will be here - so as you I believe 'carpe diem' :)
